The new site is Launched!

Welcome!  This has been long delayed, and it’s already due for upgrades.  Perfectionism kept me from launching it a long time ago since I wanted to update all the content, get all the Scottish events in that we could, and add a few more pages.

If you haven’t heard, we’ve had a small team working on our new members’ only membership site and Clan Blair Store.  After several months of squeezing in time for the setup, updates and membership site tech, we’re very close to launching the new member site.  So, since we are so close on that, I didn’t want to hold off any longer on our general site.  We’re pretty excited about the membership site.  It will replace our old html version of the Members’ Only site that has been available for many years.

This site is obviously a big upgrade from the old site.  It’s not as perfect as I’d like it and even some information is a bit out of date.  So, please have patience since I’m sharing my “free” non-profit time with the other team to finish the membership site. Feel free to send comments, but do consider this isn’t the finished product yet.

Thanks for visiting us on our new site.  If you’re not a member yet, we have lots of exciting things coming with our new membership site so don’t delay.


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