
If you would like to contact us, please complete the form below and select the party you wish to send your request to. Your request will be forwarded to your selected party and they will respond to your inquiry. General site inquiries should only be sent to the WebLaird and other general inquiries should be sent to the President. We’re sorry we can’t take phone calls, but since this is a voluntary organization, we have no central phone.

  • Please select a contact within Clan Blair Society with whom you want to send your message. PLEASE, do not spam our volunteers by selecting everybody.
  • Please enter first and last name so we will know who you are.
  • Please leave a complete email address so we'll know how to reach you in order to respond.
  • What is the subject of the message?
  • The message that you would like to send.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.