About The Clan Blair Society

Our Purpose:

  • The aims of the Society are educational and social;
  • To re-forge the link between BLAIRs and their heritage in Scotland, and Northern Ireland, and to re-forge their links with their worldwide kinfolk.
  • To encourage genealogical interest in the BLAIR family.
  • To study, share, preserve, and promote the history, heritage, and traditions of the BLAIR family.
  • To preserve and promote the customs, traditions, heritage, history, music, and arts of the Scottish people, and to share this knowledge with others.
  • To operate, for educational and charitable purposes, a non-political organization without the purpose of financial gain to any member and to use funds solely for the use of the Society and its goals.


  • BLAIRs and descendants of BLAIRs worldwide, regardless of the spelling of their surname shall be eligible for membership.
  • Others interested in the BLAIR Family are also eligible for membership.

  • Clan Blair Society is an educational, cultural, charitable and non-profit organization.
  • All contributions are tax deductible.
  • Donations received help defray games, genealogical, educational, charitable, banking and publication expenses.
  • All Clan officers serve voluntarily without financial reward.

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